Michel Langelier, AIoT Canada CEO michel@aiotcanada.ca 514.712.2727
Last month, I wrote to you to announce the beginning of my mandate and I called upon each of you to pursue his own destiny. Today, I am communicating to you the major orientations as well as the major projects that we are about to start.
This is our vision for the next three years, and believe me, it will not only change the face of the organization, but also structure the AIoT industrial ecosystem.
On November 10th, during our AGM, we made public 3 major announcements.
For those of you who were unable to attend our AGM, here is a link that will allow you to relive the entire announcement.
Major Directions
-Axis, governance, regions
Capstones projects
Strategic Alliances
Represent the industry in government activities
Foster industry support
Catalyze the adoption of AIoT solutions in the marketplace
To achieve this, the Board of Directors has adopted a new governance structure. We will make the action more accountable by:
Appointing directors responsible for the 3 main strategic axes. Making them accountable for the advancement of the major orientations
Giving certain missions to our 4 regional representatives (West, Ontario, Quebec, East)
Let us also note that since mid-October, we have identified new influential members who will join the Board of Directors. There will be a series of communiqués to this effect.
At its next Board of Directors meeting on December 1st, the Board will ratify several members who have also expressed their interest in becoming involved in one of the three strategic committees. As soon as they take office, we will have a workshop to specify the various action plans.
For the 3 flagship projects, I invite you to read the diagram below which gives you a bird's eye view of the nature of the supporting projects as well as their completion over time.
In summary: The creation of a National Discussion Forum, the deployment of a marketplace platform and the provision of a pan-Canadian virtual innovation center.
This will become a major initiative. Our goal will be to provide AIoT Full stack services to existing incubators/accelerators in Canada.
We plan to create a national dialogue with government authorities via;
-the creation of a round table,
-a national tour (6 cities)
-A report on the state of the industry
In order to federate a “National Plan”.
I am very pleased to announce that AIoT Canada has publicly announced a strategic alliance with one of its existing members, CMC Systems.
This alliance will strengthen the voice of the industry, share an existing catalog of resources, pool space, resources and funding programs for the benefit of both entities.
CMC Microsystems leads a national network of 10,000 university participants and 1,000 companies that design micro-nanotechnology innovations. CMC assists researchers and industry through the National Design Network of Canada® in the development of microsystems and nanotechnology innovations.
The goal is to accelerate the adoption of these enabling and strategic technologies for the AIOT industry.
Last month, AIoT Canada supported the FABriC (Fabrication of Integrated Components for the Internet's Edge) project. When the funds are available, CMC Systems plans to finance 50% of eligible costs out of a $ 10M envelope in order to promote the development of AIoT technologies.
AIoT Canada will soon integrate CMC's premises in Montreal, located at ETS.
We would like to thank Gordon Healing, CEO of CMC Systems for his dynamism, openness and his vision of wanting to collaborate with a pan-Canadian industrial organization like ours.
In conclusion, this AGM has allowed us to consolidate the hard work of the Board members for over two years now. I am pleased to develop and implement this exciting vision of the future with you, also knowing that we are bringing talented people into the organization. In my next edition, I will have the honor of introducing some of them to you.
"When the vision is clear, the results will appear. Keep your mindset positive as you work your plan, flourish, and always remember why you started"
Germany Kent
You want to hire an intern?
You have until November 20th to register your intention. Otherwise, AIoT Canada quotas will be redistributed to other organizations. Need help? Send an email at : adoption@aiotcanada.ca
From now until March 31, 2022, you can take advantage of direct support for your business.
You can receive up to 7500$ assistance to host an intern within your company (full and part-time). You can also be eligible for more than one position, and we have also under some conditions the possibility of renewal.