Board of Directors ELECTION PROCESS
Please communicate your interest by October 29th, 2021
Send a note to : michel@aiotcanada.ca Michel Langelier, 514-712-2727
Good morning to all,
As stipulated in our by-laws, we are sending out a notice to those who would be interested in serving either as a member of our Board of Directors, or as a member of one of our committees.
The various members will be elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held online on November 10th at 3:00pm via Zoom. At that time, we will be pleased to share with you our new directions and the activities that have taken place despite the pandemic. We will also elect our new executive committee for the next year of operation.
Our new CEO will be happy to contact you if you have an interest in being active and serving in our organization. The AIoT Canada Board of Directors is made up of a minimum of three (3) members and a maximum of sixteen (16) members elected to administer all the day-to-day business of the organization and to ensure the sustainability of the organization in keeping with its mission. With our new organizations, we are recruiting industry members to advance a few key issues, including :
Axis 1: Government Relations Committee (25 members) which will focus on raising awareness of AIoT issues with various government bodies;
Axis 2: Industry Support Committee (8 members). This committee will be interested in operationalizing the implementation of a networking and marketplace platform and in the establishment of a Virtual Innovation Center.
Axis 3: Committee promoting the adoption of markets (8 members). This committee will ensure that training, awareness/educational tools and programs accelerate adoption by market/cities .
Finally, for anyone who can help us in an ad hoc manner, please let us know if you are interested. We have several opportunities to move our ambitious agenda.
On behalf of the nomination committee
Michel Langelier
Only members in good standing are allowed to vote as part of our election process.